Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Snow Days and Flower Fairies

Nothing gets us in a rut quite like winter. It's cold and wet and cold and snowy and cold and ... did I mention cold? It's really hard to get motivated to go out in the weather and sometimes, like today, it's impossible. Cabin fever can set in quickly and it's easy to just sit in front of the TV and not move for days.

Today though, Baby Girl and I decided we'd send positive Spring thoughts into the world and make Flower Fairies. I will be the first to admit I spend more time on the computer than I should. Baby Girl is really good at keeping herself entertained and I take full advantage of that. So having a little arts and crafts morning was long over due.

I found the link to these super easy fairies on Pinterest as I was looking for easy book swag my mom could make. Did I mention she's an author of fairy tales? She is.

Anyway, I had everything on hand so we spent an hour and a half making three flower fairies. I spent way too long trying to give these fairies pipe cleaner wings. Trust me they are fine without them. I just told Baby Girl they were invisible wings. She went with it, she's easy-going like that.

Baby Girl picked out the colors and flowers and I put them together.

She then gave them shoes and bracelets made of pony beads.

Here is Tulip, our first fairy. Even though the website warned me the black sharpie would run on the wooden head bead, I didn't listen. Let's just say she has big eyes. They're not creepy, really.

Here is Daisy, much better face and I love her curly, wild hair.

Daffodil is probably my favorite. I just find her pretty.

I think it's safe to say Baby Girl enjoyed herself.

And that she loves all her fairies (they're actually napping with her now).

We even found a place for them to sleep in her room.

Want to make your own fairies? You'll find the directions over at Pink and Green Mama.
And if you're looking for some brand new fairy tales to share with your own family, check out C. L. Collar's book of fairy tales and fairy poems, Finding Fey.


  1. Looks like fun. Thanks for the shout out too. Love thees.

  2. Awww, cute. Looks like you all had fun. :)
